Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2017!


We reviewed our top blog posts of 2017 and here are the top stories!

  1. Natural Gas vs. Propane vs Electric: Which One Heats More Efficiently? 

All types of heating have their pros and cons, below are comparisons of Natural Gas, Propane, and Electric heat sources.

Natural Gas vs. Propane: 

  • Both are fossil fuels and are largely produced domestically in the United States.
  • Propane is compressed into a liquid form and either sold in portable canisters or delivered via truck to a permanent storage tank on their property.
  • Natural gas remains in its gaseous state and is delivered to the home via a pipeline.
  • Natural gas rates are measured in price per cubic foot, propane is measured in price per gallon. The cost of both are prone to fluctuation over time.
  • Natural gas, when discharged into the environment is a greenhouse gas whereas propane is not classified as such. Propane is a green fuel before combustion and remains environmentally friendly even after it is used. Both are environmentally safe.
  • Propane can be used for a variety of different home appliances, from stoves to clothes dryers, giving you off-grid independence if other utilities fail… Read more

2.  5 Benefits of Target Marketing

Marketing veterans know that a shotgun approach to advertising is inefficient and ineffective.  Building a targeted marketing strategy puts company on a better path and trajectory. Target marketing helps you be in-front of the appropriate perspective customers more efficiently than any other marketing strategy.

Let’s dig into the benefits:

  1. Allows You to Focus on & Prioritize Customers – Break your overall target market, existing customers, or prospective customer base into manageable segments such as: geography, product type, demographic, etc. that you can direct specific marketing messages to. Those messages could be things like:

a.  As an automatic fuel customer with XYZ Oil company, we want to provide you this exclusive offer to join our Budget Program

b.  As a service plan customer with XYZ Oil company, we want to offer you this limited time Cap Program Offer

c.  As a new customer, XYX Oil company would like to offer you a buy one get one free service plan as a new automatic fuel customer

By evaluating your segments, you can prioritize which customer targets will be most valuable – whether that is moving existing customers up the loyalty scale to utilize more of your products and services, or signing up a new customer with both fuel and service, you can determine the most profitable opportunities to go after with your outreach… Read More

3. What is The Difference Between Renewable Diesel, Biodiesel and Clean Diesel?

These fuels and technologies may sound very similar, but they are quite different in how they are created, produced, perform, and are used in application. Learn about the similarities and differences between these three diesel fuel alternatives.

Renewable Diesel
Renewable Diesel is also known as Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) or second-generation biofuel. It is made primarily from biomass waste and residues, often the same feedstocks as biodiesel. It is created by one of three primary methods: hydrotreating, thermal conversion or biomass-to-liquid. During the production process the impurities are removed from the raw materials and hydrotreated at a high temperature. The final product has an identical chemical composition with fossil diesel fuel.

It can be used in high concentrations and as a standalone product in all diesel engines. No modifications are required to use renewable diesel and it can be used right away.

This fuel is made for cold conditions, and since its properties are identical to high-quality fossil diesel fuel, vehicles are safe using this fuel even at winter’s coldest temperatures. Users may need to treat the fuel with an additive to address lubricity issues associated with no oxygen in the fuel, much like petrodiesel… Read More

4. What is Renewable Natural Gas? (RNG)

Renewable natural gas (RNG), or biomethane, is a pipeline-quality gas that is fully interchangeable with conventional natural gas and thus can be used in natural gas vehicles. RNG is essentially biogas (the gaseous product of the decomposition of organic matter) that has been processed to purity standards. Like conventional natural gas, RNG can be used as a transportation fuel in the form of compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG). RNG qualifies as an advanced biofuel under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS).

Biogas is produced from various biomass sources through a biochemical process, such as anaerobic digestion, or through thermochemical means, such as gasification. With minor cleanup, biogas can be used to generate electricity and heat. To fuel vehicles, biogas must be processed to a higher purity standard. This process is called conditioning or upgrading, and involves the removal of water, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and other trace elements. The resulting RNG, or biomethane, has a higher content of methane than raw biogas, which makes it comparable to conventional natural gas and thus a suitable energy source in applications that require pipeline-quality gas… Read More

5. Tiny House and Big Ideas 

In January, I started some new things to kick off the new year — a new job with AMERIgreen Energy, a new year’s resolution to commit more time to cycling and a plan to do some tiny house living!

Tiny house living?  How is that possible you might ask…

For the record, I am a big fan of the tiny house movement, and so is my family.  More often than not, the TV at my house is playing Tiny House Nation or Treehouse Masters , the tiny house kindred program.  As a family, we’ve talked a lot about tiny house living, and have even considered it.

While I don’t think I would ever pick up my family of 4 and move from a 2000+ square foot house to something less than 400 square feet, the idea of simplifying your life by lessening possessions has some real appeal.  My family and I relish in the thoughts of what’s shown on those television programs.  We try to imagine what it would be like to live in a tiny house, what important possessions we would decide to keep and most importantly, how the four of us would survive living on top of one another.  It’s fun to imagine what it would be like, but almost dreadful to think about really doing it… Read More 


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Our Top 5 Blog Posts of 2017! was originally posted by Energy News That Matters

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