Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Lessons Learned From Executive Forum with Seth Obetz

Seth Obetz head shotExecutive Forum held Nov. 16, 2017: Lessons Learned From Succeeding in a Declining Industry

Our founder Seth Obetz is the fourth generation leader in a company that specialized in heating oil.  The heating oil industry has been steadily declining for decades so the question became how the company would not only survive this downturn but thrive as well.  Through unique, progressive and innovative ideas, Seth created a new business model with his team to develop a strong and successful company with a bright future.

But it wasn’t smooth sailing or an easy transition and there were many lessons learned along the way.  To listen to Seth’s journey of moving from decline to success, watch this YouTube video webinar below which was created from his forum.  Or you can watch right from our Facebook Live video here


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Lessons Learned From Executive Forum with Seth Obetz was originally posted by Energy News That Matters

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